I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and is getting ready for the holidays.

I wanted to share one of my end of the year goals with you. I’ve been wanting to try recording video messages but, if you know me, I am not the most technologically advanced person in the world and have been avoiding it. With the new year looming, I finally did it.  Below is a link to my first Video Insights.


The following article appears on PlanSponsor.com.  Americans are concerned not only with retirement, but also with unexpected heath care costs, unemployment, student loan debt, and other day-to-day expenses.  What are you doing to ease your clients' financial anxiety?  Are you talking with your clients about their short-term and long-term goals and the sources of their financial anxieties?

You’ve done everything right as a financial advisor: You’ve stayed in touch; reviewed and discussed short, mid and long-term goals, did a risk tolerance survey, made appropriate adjustments to a balanced portfolio along the way; and then BAM!   2016 rolls and the stock market drops, oil prices plummet, China’s in trouble, European Banks falter and Donald trump and Bernie Sanders lead the polls!!!!

Focusing on Niches

Read this today's Wall Street Journal and had to share.  So who here is focusing on a niche market and how has your experience so far?  Feel free to comment below.

Financial Advisers Focus on Niches to Grow

More than half of advisers in a survey said they plan to add new niches as part of their growth strategy

I wanted to remind friends in the Boston area that the day-long CFP Education Extravaganza is coming up next week, October 21, at the Marriott Courtyard in Norwood, MA.

Thank You

Thank you to those that came out for the Continuing Education Extravaganza in Philadelphia yesterday.

As always, it was fun for me and great for me to see some former students again and meet some new colleagues.  I appreciate the engagement, participation, and thoughtful questions.  I hope you enjoyed it too.


Read this article in The Wall Street Journal yesterday (Sept. 15, 2015) and I agree with its overall assessment – what’s going to happen IF the Fed raises rates this week?  Probably not much.

Investors Look Beyond Fed Meeting, See Low Rates

No matter what happens this week, slow global growth is expected to be key factor for long term

We all are well aware that over the past several weeks the market has taken a wild ride – and it is not over yet.  As an advisor, what are you telling your clients when they look to you to explain the recent market volatility and how it will effect their portfolio?